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School Profile

Hillview is situated in the Woodvale Community of Mill Woods. The immediate area includes single family dwellings, a low-income housing development, rental apartments, and some condominiums. Hillview has a wonderfully diverse student population, with a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds with differing socio-economic standards. During the evenings the school building and gymnasium are commonly used by local community groups.


Our Pre-Kindergarten Program supports children from a variety of southeast Edmonton communities. Many of our program children are bussed in from these southeast communities. 

Students at Hillview are actively involved in their learning. We believe all students can achieve to their best potential when given the opportunity. Together students, parents and teachers work hard so each child can achieve their best. 


School Priorities

We focus on developing strong literacy and numeracy skills in all of our students.  We value building community both within and outside of our school building.